Saturday, November 9, 2013

'Twas the Night We Call Christmas

‘Twas the night we call Christmas and all through the land,
Light from a new star shone down upon man.
That star had been hung in the sky with great care;
A sign of the love that God would soon share.

The shepherds were resting; the flock had been fed,
When an angel of God stirred them from their beds.
“Fear not,” she said, “peace and joy do I bring,
Glad tidings from God of our newborn king.”

Across the whole world there arose such a clatter,
Old satan leaped up to see what was the matter.
Away to King Herod’s he flew like a flash:
“Kill all the children; the world’s hopes to dash.”

But that light was still shining on wise men below
And to Herod’s the wise men were destined to go.
But the angel of god to their eyes did appear,
And kept from King Herod the boy child most dear.

Away in a manger this miraculous night,
The Christ-child was born, a marvelous light.
For weeks mother Mary had expected the same.
An Angel had come and called her by name.

His name shall be Jesus, both Savior and King.
The Light of the World of whom heaven shall sing.
The true lamb of God, called Emmanuel,
Whose hands hold the keys to both death and hell.

On bended knee this world will before him fall,
And proclaim him as King – the true lord of all.
To Bethlehem shepherds and wise men did fly
To see the Christ-child whose star lit the sky.

They all brought their gifts and sincere praises, too,
To a child who, in love, would make all things new.
You see, as a man, he would climb Calvary’s hill,
And for a word full of sin, his blood he would spill.

Beaten and bruised, as his body fell slack,
He would heal the whole word through the stripes on his back.
But this season’s meaning has somehow been lost;
We fight over presents. We worry about cost.

And many forget what they once used to know:
That the real gift of Christmas wasn’t tied with a bow.
It was not wrapped in paper and put under a tree,
But his life and his death was for just you and me.

So this Christmas season, remember the joy
That was brought to this earth by this one little boy.
One thought from you could spread so much cheer,
And put a smile on the face of so many folks here.

So please take some time and don’t turn up your nose,
And you’ll see just how far this Christmas love goes.
It might change the whole world, the act of just one:
A thimble of love now turned into a ton.
So keep these thoughts with you as I bid you goodbye,

And remember, this Christmas, that star in the sky.

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